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Modafinil and Sleep Disorders: How Modafinil Can Help Treat Narcolepsy and Sleep Apnea

Modafinil and Sleep Disorders: How Modafinil Can Help Treat Narcolepsy and Sleep Apnea

Last updated on 14 May, 2024

Modafinil is an effective treatment option for Narcolepsy and Sleep apnea, based on various studies and research. The recommended dose of the smart drug for these conditions is 200 mg.

Modafinil has been gaining a lot of attention recently in the sleep-medicine field because of its wakefulness-promoting properties. This makes the Nootropic an important tool for treating excessive daytime sleepiness that can be caused by various sleep disorders.

This blog discusses how Modafinil works for sleep disorders such as Narcolepsy and Obstructive Sleep Apnea and explores its potential side effects and ways to manage them.

Modafinil: An Overview 

Modafinil is a prescription nootropic that is approved by the FDA to treat narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. 

Modafinil is a Schedule IV controlled substance, which means it has a lower risk of abuse and dependence and is available under various brand names, such as Modalert and Modvigil, among others.

Apart from its on-label uses, Modafinil is used for various off-label uses, such as the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, acute bipolar and unipolar depression, cancer and multiple sclerosis fatigue, cocaine dependence, and cognitive enhancement [1].

What Is Narcolepsy And How Can Modafinil Help Treat This Condition?

Narcolepsy is a long-term neurological condition that is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. This condition can have a significant impact on the quality of life and affects approximately 1 in 2000 people [2]. 

Modafinil for Narcolepsy is prescribed as a first-line treatment. It helps improve alertness levels during the day as one of the main symptoms of this condition is somnolence, and it is preferred over other wakefulness-promoting medications because they are less addictive. 

In a study published in 2010, it was concluded that Modafinil, in comparison to placebo, is effective in the treatment of daytime drowsiness in patients with narcolepsy [3]. 

What Is Sleep Apnea And How Can Modafinil Help Treat This Condition?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep-related breathing disorder in which a person's breathing is interrupted repeatedly during sleep. The lack of oxygen during sleep apnea makes a person awake and disrupts the natural sleep rhythm. It can cause many health problems, and in some cases, it can be fatal.

Sleep apnea can be of the following types:

- Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when the muscles supporting the soft tissues in the upper airway relax during sleep and stop the normal flow of air in and out of the mouth and nose. This, as a result, causes interrupted breathing and snoring. 

- Central Sleep Apnea

This type of sleep apnea involves the central nervous system and occurs when the brain stops sending signals to the muscles that are involved in or control breathing. 

- Complex Or Mixed Sleep Apnea

This type of Sleep Apnea is a combination of Central Sleep Apnea and Obstructive Sleep Apnea [4].

Modafinil For Sleep Apnea

Modafinil is proven to be very effective in treating excessive diurnal somnolence (EDS) that is often associated with sleep apnea. It promotes alertness and wakefulness in such patients within 30 minutes of administration. 

A review published in the year 2001 found that Modafinil may be a useful treatment for residual daytime sleepiness in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea who are regular users of nasal continuous positive airway pressure therapy [5].

A study by Pack et al. on 157 patients found that the ESS (Epworth Sleepiness Scale) score returned to normal (less than 10) in more than half of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) patients taking the Nootropic Modafinil, compared with those taking placebo. During the first week, patients reported subjective improvements in sleepiness, and these were maintained throughout the study.

It was concluded that Modafinil is useful for compliant CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) users who display residual daytime sleepiness [6].

If you are struggling with excessive daytime sleepiness associated with any of the above-mentioned conditions, a single dose of Modafinil is just what you need. While juggling between your work commitments and daytime sleepiness, we recommend you buy discounted Modafinil tablets from Healthmatter for better wakefulness and alertness, affordability, convenience, and free shipping from the comfort of your home.

How Does Modafinil Help With Sleep Apnea?

Modafinil works in the hypothalmus of the brain by increasing the amount of chemical neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adenosine, noradrenaline, serotonin, catecholamines, and monoamines. This reduces the amount of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), resulting in reduced sleepiness.

How Should Modafinil Be Taken For Best Results?




Modafinil should be taken with the proper recommendations of the doctor and follow the following two steps:

- Dosage 

Modafinil is available in dosage strengths of 100 mg and 200 mg. 

For Sleep Apnea and Narcolepsy, the recommended dosage of Modafinil is 200 mg, which is ingested orally in the morning [7]. 

- Administration 

Follow the four simple steps for the proper administration of Modafinil:

  • Take it with a glass of water, with or without meals, as the doctor prescribes. 

  • Avoid chewing or crushing the medicine.

  • Take the medication at the same time of the day for better effectiveness. 

  • Do not skip the Nootropic.

What Are The Potential Side Effects Associated With Modafinil?

Modafinil can have common or serious side effects. The following list contains some of the side effects that may occur while taking Modafinil.

The common adverse effects of Modafinil are -

  • Nausea

  • Headache

  • Chest pain,

  • Back pain

  • Diarrhea

  • Ruuny nose

  • Dizziness

  • Loss of appetite

  • Feelings of nervousness,

  • Upset stomach

  • Anxiety

  • Trouble sleeping, or insomnia

- Less frequent side effects

  • Constipation

  • Vertigo

  • Tremor

  • Confusion

  • Depression

- Serious side effects

  • Severe rash

  • Serious allergic reaction

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Swelling of lips, tongue, and face.

  • Palpitations (pounding heartbeat)

  • Trouble breathing

  • High blood pressure [8].

Ways To Manage The Adverse Events Of The Nootropic

Below are a few ways to manage the side effects of Modafinil -

  • Read the information on the medicine properly before taking it.

  • Get proper rest and stay hydrated

  • Ask your doctor for ways to manage or prevent Modafinil's side effects.

  • Do not combine or co-administer other medicines with this Nootropic because it can cause serious side effects.


The United States Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of Modafinil as a potent wakefulness-promoting substance to treat various sleep disorders.

Backed by our research and clinical trials, we can conclude that Modafinil is an effective treatment option for Narcolepsy and Sleep Apnea.


Modafinil, compared to other sleep disorder medications, is well tolerated with minimal Side effects and has a lower risk of abuse and dependence.

It takes around 30-60 minutes for Modafinil to start working for sleep disorders.

Modafinil is not recommended for children to treat sleep disorders.

Taking Modafinil over the long term can increase the risk of physical and psychological dependence.

Some of the natural alternatives to Modafinil for treating sleep disorders are herbal teas such as chamomile, valerian extract, ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, bacopa monnieri, etc.

No, Modafinil should not be used with other sleep disorder medications because it can interact and cause side effects.

According to a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information), the success rate of Modafinil in treating sleep disorders varies depending on the sleep disorder, the individual's response to the medicine, and other factors.

Modafinil is the best Narcolepsy medication.


  1. Modafinil, NCBI

  2. Narcolepsy,

  3. Modafinil for narcolepsy: systematic review and meta-analysis, NCBI
  4. Sleep Apnea: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments,

  5. Modafinil as an adjunct therapy for daytime sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea, NCBI

  6. Modafinil as adjunct therapy for daytime sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea, NCBI

  7. Modafinil (Oral route), Mayo Clinic

  8. Provigil (Modafinil), medicalnewstoday


Disclaimer: We do not provide any medical advice.

The contents of HealthMatter are for informational purpose only and is taken by a thorough evaluation of research papers and Journals. We do not provide professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. We advise all readers to consult a physician before consuming any medication mentioned on the website.