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How Long Does Armodafinil Last In Your System?

How Long Does Armodafinil Last In Your System?

Last updated on 28 Feb, 2024

Armodafinil stays in the system for much longer than its therapeutic effects, which is 15 hours. It takes 2 to 3 days for Armodafinil to leave the system completely. 

Its presence can be detected in blood, hair, and urine samples, which are tested by the Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry method. 

How long does Armodafinil last is one question that most users consider while choosing the right Nootropic option. 

We all are familiar with Nootropics as a wakefulness-promoting agent. Along with that, Nootropics can enhance our mood and cognitive functions. One such efficient Nootropic that is widely popular nowadays is Armodafinil. The brand names of Armodafinil includes- Nuvigil, Waklert, and Artvigil. This CNS stimulant is the generic Modafinil’s R-enantiomer, thus imparting prolonged benefits. 

Before administering any medication, it is imperative to know about them.  So here we try to find the answers to some of the commonly asked questions about Armodafinil-

  • How long does Armodafinil stay in your system?

  • What is the half-life of Armodafinil?

  • Armodafinil drug test

How Long Does Nuvigil Stay In Your System?

Before understanding how long does Nuvigil lasts, let us get a brief idea of the Nootropic. Armodafinil 150 mg is an FDA-approved Nootropic prescribed for its effectiveness. It primarily helps to treat sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift-work disorder, which result in excessive daytime sleepiness. Armodafinil functions by increasing dopamine, histamine, norepinephrine, and orexin, thereby helping to promote wakefulness. 

So, how long does Armodafinil last in your system?

How long Armodafinil lasts depends on factors such as

  • Half-life 

  • Elimination process 

  • Dosage

  • Health conditions

Armodafinil Half-Life

The Nuvigil half-life is 15 hours, which is relatively longer than other Nootropics. The medicine’s half-life indicates the time it takes to remove half of a dose of its active compound from the system. 

How Long Does Armodafinil Stay in Your Blood, Urine, and Hair?


The Armodafinil elimination may differ based on the body part, and thus, its presence may last longer in these body parts than the rest. The presence of Armodafinil in the system may last up to 90 days. In comparison, it may last in the urine and blood in the detectable range for about 15 to 20 hours. 

How Long Does Nuvigil Stay In Your System?

Like its generic version, Nuvigil also lasts in the blood and urine for 15 to 20 hours and in the hair for about 90 days. 

Factors influencing how long Armodafinil last

Some of the key factors that affect and contribute to how long Armodafinil stays in the system or its effects last are listed below. 

Armodafinil Dosage

The strength of Armodafinil plays a vital role in determining how long it takes to leave your system. When you intake a higher dose, your body may take longer to break down the compound than with a lower dosage. Thus, a higher dose of Armodafinil will last longer than a smaller dose. 

Age of the consumer

The metabolism of a person lowers with age. Therefore when an aged person takes the Armodafinil dosage, it takes longer to be metabolized. Meaning they take longer to experience the beneficial effect, further slowing down their elimination process. Thus, the use of Armodafinil is not advisable for people above 65 years.  

Health condition

The metabolism of Armodafinil primarily occurs in the liver. Further, the kidney helps in carrying out the elimination process. So, when a person with a hepatic or renal condition consumes the medication, it may stay longer in the body [2].

How Long Does Armodafinil Take To Work? 

It takes about 30 minutes for Armodafinil to kick in. The body readily absorbs Armodafinil on oral consumption. Food has minimal effect on oral bioavailability. Users in a fasted state attain peak plasma concentrations of this Nootropic within 2 hours. In comparison, this duration is delayed in a fed state by 2 to 4 hours [1].

How long does it take for Armodafinil to leave the system?

The elimination of Armodafinil is carried out by the kidney as Urine. The pharmacokinetic profile of Armodafinil has a single-dose elimination half-life of about 12 to 15 hours. According to the National Institutes of Health, it takes 4 to 5 half-lives to eliminate a compound from the body completely [4]. 

So, based on this, we can say that-

  • Fifteen hours from the administration- 50% of the compound is eliminated. 

  • Thirty hours from the administration- 75 percent of Armodafinil is eliminated. 

  • Forty-five hours- 87.5 percent is excreted. 

  • Sixty hours- Armodafinil, Artvigil, or Nuvigil is completely eliminated from the system. 

Thus, it takes 60 hours or about 3 days from the last dosage administered to eliminate Armodafinil from the system completely. 

Armodafinil Drug Test-  Does Armodafinil (Nuvigil) Show Up On Drug Test?


Yes, Armodafinil can appear on drug tests, but they are not normally included in standard drug screenings. Most standard drug tests are done to detect the presence of substances such as cannabis, opioids, cocaine, benzodiazepines, and amphetamines. 

The presence of Armodafinil will show up on a urine drug test, blood test, and hair follicle test. The test that is performed to detect the presence of Armodafinil in the body is Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) [5]. 

About the test-

  • These are sensitive and rapid tests. 

  • The method can accurately detect Armodafinil's presence in the range of 10-10,000 ng/mL.

  • A small amount of human plasma (blood) is required, about (50 μL) to carry out the test [5].

People who are concerned about a drug test and the potential detection of Armodafinil in the system are advised to discontinue the Nootropic 3 to 4 days before the test. If you buy Armodafinil 150 online without a prescription, inform the testing organization about using the Nootropuc beforehand. 

Armodafinil vs. Modafinil: Which Nootropic stays longer in the body?

Armodafinil and Modafinil are both effective nootropics that can promote wakefulness and alertness. Modafinil is the first FDA-approved solution for narcolepsy. It can help patients by promoting wakefulness. Armodafinil is the upgraded version of Modafinil so that it can offer a more potent effect.

Armodafinil is enantiopure of Modafinil and thus has a longer half-life. An enantiopure is a molecule that may exist in mirror images, like our left and right hand. So, Armodafinil lasts longer in the system.


Following an oral administration, Armodafinil is excreted from the system by the kidney as urine.

In the fasted state, it takes 2 hours for Armodafinil to reach its peak plasma concentration.

It takes 30 minutes for Armodafinil to start working.

The effects of Armodafinil last for 12 to 15 hours.

Armodafinil can stay in the system for 15 to 20 hours depending on numerous factors such as the dosage, health condition, and age o the user.

Armodafinil is a Schedule IV controlled substance.

Yes, Armodafinil will show on a drug test.

Armodafinil takes 30 minutes to kick in.

The half-life of Armodafinil is 15 hours.


  1. NUVIGIL® (armodafinil) Tablets [C-IV],
  2. How Long Does Armodafinil (Nuvigil) Stay in Your System?
  3. Will Armodafinil show on a drug test?
  4. Half-Life - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf.
  5. Quantitative determination of armodafinil in human plasma by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry: Application to a clinical study, NCBI.


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