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How To Sleep On Modafinil- Ways To Manage Modafinil Insomnia

How To Sleep On Modafinil- Ways To Manage Modafinil Insomnia

Last updated on 29 Mar, 2024

Modafinil is a eugeroic compound approved by the FDA for treating excessive daytime sleepiness. It promotes wakefulness and alertness within 30 minutes of intake. 

Taking Modafinil before bed can result in insomnia, as its wake-promoting effects may last for 12 hours after administration. Thus, to prevent insomnia and get a sound sleep after taking Modafinil, it is best to take its dosage in the morning.  

Do you have trouble sleeping after administering Modafinil? If yes, it’s time to change things up. This comprehensive guide will show you how to sleep on Modafinil to help you or your loved one with insomnia. 

Modafinil is a powerful smart drug that works wonders to increase productivity and boost general health. Its ability to promote wakefulness and alertness in patients is the key reason for causing sleep disturbance in patients. Thus, we look into the causes and ways to manage Modafinil insomnia in such patients. 

Modafinil And Sleep- An Overview 

Modafinil is a wakefulness-promoting compound that is pharmacologically different from other stimulants. The potency of Modalert in enhancing wakefulness and alertness is proven in studies conducted on healthy volunteers and in people with excessive daytime sleepiness. 

In sleep-deprived individuals, the use of Modafinil can enhance mood and cognition while promoting energy. 

Sleep is defined as a period of rest that plays a key role in maintaining the optimal mental and physical health of a person. On average, a person needs about 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. However, with our hectic schedules and work life, most people fail to get this optimal amount of sleep. 

Sleep Disorder Statistics 

  • The National Institutes of Health states that about 7% to 19% of adults do not get enough sleep. 

  • 40% of people are seen to experience daytime sleepiness once a month. 

  • About 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders [1]. 

So, such people turn to Modafinil 200 mg to make up for their sleep deprivation. Thus, people from different professions are seen to administer Modafinil 20o0 dosage. 

In a study, the French military with 64 hours of sleep deprivation was seen to maintain the same level of cognition with 300 mg of Modafinil dosage [2]. 

A 2009 clinical study concluded that patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea showed notable improvement in their sleepiness with Modafinil [3]. 

How Does Modafinil Regulate Sleep?


Modafinil is an effective solution for treating Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) in people with medical conditions like narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and idiopathic hypersomnia. It helps regulate sleep in people by adopting these two methods [4]. 

Anticonvulsant Properties To Reduce EDS Related To Epileptic Seizures

Excess drowsiness, also referred to as excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), is a common symptom of epileptic seizures. However, in some cases, taking antiepileptic drugs may also cause EDS.

Modafinil has Anticonvulsant properties, allowing it to restrict brain activity as necessary, lowering the frequency of seizure events. According to experts, Modafinil has an advantage over most well-known drugs due to its low potential for abuse. 

Prevent Dopamine reuptake

Modafinil is a mild dopamine reuptake inhibitor (DRI). Conditions like narcolepsy restrict dopamine production and often make people drowsy. It prevents the reuptake of the hormone, thus enhancing its secretion in the body. 

Numerous research emphasizes the importance of dopamine in wakefulness. For starters, it prevents the pineal gland from secreting norepinephrine, a necessary step in the production of melatonin, which controls your sleep cycle. 

According to a study conducted in 2014 and published in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, the DRI rate for Modafinil ranges between 51.4 percent for a 200 mg dose and 56.9 percent for a 300 mg dose.

How Does Modafinil Affect The Sleep Pattern In Sleep-Deprived Patients?

Sleep deprivation can be categorized as Total and Partial. Total sleep deprivation occurs when a person doesn’t sleep throughout the normal sleep/wake cycle. Whereas, Partial sleep deprivation refers to a sleepless or disrupted night.

How individuals respond to sleep deprivation is variable and depends on several factors, including age, previous sleep amount, and sleep distribution.

Modafinil prevents gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is essential for controlling the “sleepiness” phase of the sleep-wake cycle. It supports the sympathetic nervous system and enhances wakefulness by helping produce histamine, glutamate, and norepinephrine [5].

A 2006 clinical study by Nancy J Wesensten suggests that Modafinil has an alertness and performance-restoring effect in sleep-deprived patients [6]. 

Interestingly, Modafinil does not affect melatonin production to enhance wakefulness in a person. Melatonin is a hormone produced at night to make people sleepy. 

Modafinil Before Bed- Is It Advisable? 

The eugeroic effect of Modafinil can last up to 12 hours after administration. Taking Modafinil before bed is a terrible idea as it has a half-life of 12-15 hours (i.e., the amount of time needed for 50% of the drug removal from your bloodstream). Thus, It takes about five half-lives to remove about 97% of the drug.

Because a drug’s clearance follows a logarithmic function, the effect of Modafinil lasts up to 12 hours. Thus, it is safe to say that the wakefulness-promoting effect of Modafinil lasts for about 12 hours from the last dose administered. 

Therefore, the intake of Modalert 200 mg before bed is not advisable. 

The Action Of Modafinil In Treating Sleep Disorders

The wake-promotion benefit of Modafinil has recently drawn interest as a sleep medicine. It makes the Nootropic a potential treatment choice for excessive diurnal somnolence (EDS), which can occur together with sleep disorders such as idiopathic hypersomnolence, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and other illnesses marked by the inadequacy of sleep quality and quantity.

The wake-promoting property of Modafinil is neither chemically nor pharmaceutically related to other common CNS stimulants that help people with hypersomnia, like amphetamine or methylphenidate.

People can buy Modafinil 200mg over other medications as it is far more site-specific than other CNS stimulants. 

Modafinil’s wakefulness promotion depends on adequately functioning the a1-adrenergic system (necessary for neurotransmission and the sympathetic nervous system).

Sleeping On Modafinil- How Long Can You Stay Awake On Modafinil? 

Taking Modafinil before bed is not advisable. A person can stay awake for up to 12 hours on Modafinil. Thus, the best time for one to administer the stimulant is in the morning. 

Modafinil Insomnia- Tips To Regulate Sleep Cycle On Modafinil


Falling asleep on Modafinil can be difficult due to its potent eugeroic effects. However, research has discovered numerous effective methods to lower the effects of Modafinil insomnia. Incorporating them each time you take a Nootropic will aid in falling asleep on Modafinil.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by trouble falling asleep, getting good quality sleep, and staying asleep. 

Take Modafinil Early Morning -

It is one of the essential tips on how to take Modafinil. The earlier you start taking Modafinil dosage, the higher your chances are of falling asleep at a reasonable hour.

You have a decent probability of falling asleep before midnight if you take Modafinil before 10 am.

Research says that the best benefits came from taking Modafinil before 8:30 am.

Even though Modafinil remains in your system for 12 to 15 hours, it’s enough to make it difficult to fall asleep. Additionally, unless you are determined to pull an all-nighter, DO NOT take Modafinil before bed. 

Reduce Your Modafinil Intake Every Day-

The daily recommended dose for Modafinil is 200mg. In some cases, studies discovered that lowering their daily Modafinil dosage to 50 mg was the only way to prevent remaining alert past 9 o’clock.

Also, we do not advise administering Modafinil dosage throughout the day.

Studies have demonstrated that split dosages of 200 mg of Modafinil (i.e., 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg in the afternoon) significantly prolong wakefulness into the late evening. 

Avoid Using Other Stimulants-

It could be notably harder to sleep at a regular hour if you combine Modafinil with other stimulants like caffeine.

Caffeine has a 6-hour half-life, so it is best to avoid consumption past 4 pm to avoid feeling awake before bed. For optimum results, we suggest preventing the intake of coffee after 2:00 pm.

Reduce The Number Of Times You Take Modafinil In A Week-

Try not to take Modafinil more than 1-3 days per week to prevent long-term disruption of a regular sleeping routine.

Additionally, to ensure you can take Modafinil and get a good night’s sleep, we advise spaced dosing evenly throughout the week (i.e., one dose on Monday, one dose on Wednesday, and one dose on Friday).

Modafinil may cover your weariness and other signs of severe sleep deprivation if you take it more frequently.

Explore The Use Of Sedatives-

We are not recommending that you use these sleep aids, as some of these could need a prescription from a doctor, and it is unknown how they would interact with Modafinil. The list of some effective sedatives is listed below; however, they should be only administered after consulting a doctor. 

  • Zolpidem ( used to counteract Modafinil’s wakefulness-promoting effects). 

  • Anti-histamine medications (Hydroxyzine, Cetirizine, Doxylamine, Mirtazapine). 

  • Glycine

  • Magnesium

  • Melatonin

Several users claim that taking them 1-2 hours before bed produces the best outcomes.

Try natural alternatives-

Taking natural sleep aids will assist you in getting the “sleep” you seek if you want to ensure that Modafinil and insomnia never coexist.

Try mixing the following for better results- 

  • A few cups of chamomile tea.

  • 70 mg of CBD oil.

  • Two servings of cherry juice.

  • 600 mg of ashwagandha. 

We strongly advise using cannabinoid (CBD) oil if you only use any one of the ingredients from the above-mentioned home remedies. This compound can indirectly improve sleep by reducing chronic pain. It may also treat excessive daytime sleepiness and reduce morning grogginess.

Users taking this “Modafinil insomnia” cocktail 1-2 hours before bed can help them get some revitalized sleep that will leave them feeling refreshed and awake in the morning. 

Maintain good sleeping habits-

Before adjusting your Modafinil dosage, make sure you have lifestyle patterns that naturally cause you to feel exhausted, enabling you to fall asleep.  

These few practices are essential to achieving a restful night’s sleep:

  • Make sure to consume 2-4 liters of water during the day to prevent dehydration, which can impair your ability to sleep.

  • Before going to bed, ensure all lights and electronic devices are off. That means keeping your smartphone away from your reach.

  • Try something to take your mind off things, like reading a novel.

  • Set a wake-up alarm for the following morning.

  • Exercising regularly will increase your sleep quality and speed up your ability to fall asleep.

  • Take a lukewarm bath or shower 60 to 90 minutes before bed.

  • Avoid consuming meals and beverages that may prolong the effects of Modafinil, such as grapefruit juice (due to inhibiting the enzyme that metabolizes Modafinil).

Try one strategy to test if it will improve your regular sleeping patterns. Before using Modafinil, optimize your sleep routine for the most significant outcomes.

How To Sleep On Modafinil- Our Final Verdict

To sum it up, some of the best ways to prevent and manage Modafinil insomnia are-

  • Taking a lower dose of Modafinil.

  • Do not split the dose in half to take it throughout the day.

  • Take the Modafinil dose in the morning and avoid its administration 10 to 12 hours before bedtime. 

  • Avoiding caffeine with Modafinil. 

  • Try home remedies such as exercising, good sleeping habits, trying sedatives, and spacing its administration throughout the week may help a person sleep on Modafinil. 

Suppose you have tried every suggestion in this article and still have difficulty falling asleep on Modafinil. In that case, your best option is to stop taking Modafinil for a few days to observe how it affects your night’s sleep.

Many consumers claim that they have woken up frequently throughout the night. It is a plausible justification for avoiding Modafinil consumption past midnight. 

If your sleep schedule doesn’t improve, you may be experiencing insomnia caused by other health concerns. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a qualified medical professional to identify the root of your sleeplessness and take the appropriate medical help to address it.

Above all, remember that every individual’s reaction to Modafinil varies significantly. Several environmental elements can change how Modafinil affects you. Consequently, one user’s experience may not be representative of your own when learning how to sleep on Modafinil.


Yes, you can sleep on Modafinil. Maintaining a routine sleep pattern and following a doctor’s instructions while administering the Nootropic will ensure a quality sound sleep.


A single dose of the Nootropic can keep the consumer awake for 12-15 hours. 

A 100mg of Modafinil last between 12-15hours.

Taking Modafinil before bed is a bad idea as 200mg has a half-life of 12-15 hours (i.e., the amount of time needed for 50% of the drug to eliminate from your bloodstream). Therefore, if you need to get to bed early, don’t take more than 200 mg of Modafinil.

A single dose of Modafinil keeps you awake for 12-15 hours. Thus, depicting that Modafinil ensures awake full restoring sleep.

Drinking coffee and Modafinil together can benefit enhanced energy levels. One 200mg dose of Modafinil is advisable, with 200mg caffeine for a maximum of two to three times a week. However, prior consultation and caution are necessary.

Modafinil is for promoting wakefulness. In rare cases, the consumer might feel sleepy; it can be due to the following conditions.

  • The consumer is Modafinil tolerant.
  • The medication is faux. In this case, check the Modafinil manufacturer name, ingredients, and expiry date. Always buy Modafinil from a trusted platform like HealthMatter.
  • Possible drug interaction 

Consult a physician for better guidance.


Yes, you can sleep on Modafinil. Maintaining a routine sleep pattern and following a doctor’s instructions while administering the Nootropic will ensure a quality sound sleep.

A single dose of the Nootropic can keep the consumer awake for 12-15 hours.

A 100mg of Modafinil last between 12-15hours.

Taking Modafinil before bed is a bad idea as 200mg has a half-life of 12-15 hours (i.e., the amount of time needed for 50% of the drug to eliminate from your bloodstream). Therefore, if you need to get to bed early, don’t take more than 200 mg of Modafinil.

A single dose of Modafinil keeps you awake for 12-15 hours. Thus, depicting that Modafinil ensures awake full restoring sleep.

Drinking coffee and Modafinil together can benefit enhanced energy levels. One 200mg dose of Modafinil is advisable, with 200mg caffeine for a maximum of two to three times a week. However, prior consultation and caution are necessary.

Modafinil is for promoting wakefulness. In rare cases, the consumer might feel sleepy; it can be due to the following conditions.

  • The consumer is Modafinil tolerant.
  • The medication is faux. In this case, check the Modafinil manufacturer name, ingredients, and expiry date. Always buy Modafinil from a trusted platform like HealthMatter.
  • Possible drug interaction

Consult a physician for better guidance.


  1. Sleep statistics 2023, singlecare.  

  2. Modafinil During 64 Hr of Sleep Deprivation: Dose-Related Effects on Fatigue, Alertness, and Cognitive Performance, tandfonline. 
  3. Modafinil improves daytime sleepiness in patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea not using standard treatments: a randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial, PubMed. 

  4. How Does Modafinil Work To Regulate Sleep?, alaskasleep. 

  5. How to Sleep on Modafinil | A-Z Guide, Modafinil. 

  6. Effects of modafinil on cognitive performance and alertness during sleep deprivation, PubMed. 


Disclaimer: We do not provide any medical advice.

The contents of HealthMatter are for informational purpose only and is taken by a thorough evaluation of research papers and Journals. We do not provide professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. We advise all readers to consult a physician before consuming any medication mentioned on the website.